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5 Travel Hacks for the Eco Traveller

Eco-travelling is an environmentally conscious way of exploring the world. It maintains the principles of respecting the environment and surrounding areas. It means minimizing your impact on the environment when travelling and leaving the smallest carbon footprint possible in order to allow the natural world to flourish. It allows those who love nature to explore its many secrets and wonders without damaging it or leaving it worse than it was found. It is a way of respecting the natural world around us while building awareness and knowledge. There are many ways to become an eco-traveller or to be eco-conscious while travelling, so if you're ready to take the next step in becoming a conscious traveller, we have listed some ways you can get started below!

sunset, eco traveller, lake wabby

Go on an Eco-Tour

If you're new at eco-travelling, one of the easiest ways to start is to learn from the experts by booking an eco-tour. Eco-tours are certified operators that promote their tours in an eco-friendly way. They are the best way to learn about the place you are travelling to all while respecting the environment and its inhabitants. They will give you the best insight into the local area and surrounding natural world and allow you to immerse yourself in it while respecting it and allowing it to maintain its natural state.

Be Smart with your Transport

Getting from place to place can be expensive and also hard on the environment. Think about where you're going and if it requires a lengthy car ride or bus ride. Carpool where you can, and if it's close, walk or bike. Choose to drive rather than fly if possible to help conserve oil and gas and decrease your carbon footprint.

Pack Reusable Items

When planning for your trip, be as eco-conscious as you can and pack things that be used time and time again. Consider reusable water bottles and as little plastic and disposable things as can you can. Don't make a practice of buying disposable things along the way that will quickly be discarded into a landfill. If you're camping, try to get plastic-free shampoos and soaps that are also safe if they end up in the water. 

Pack Light

More luggage means more weight. More weight means that your plane, car, train or bus is hauling a larger cargo, burning more fuel. Every kilo matters! Pack as light as possible, taking the essentials with you. E-readers and multi-purpose clothes and shoes can be your best friend when you're trying to cut some weight in your bag.

Eat and Drink Local

One of the best parts of travelling is getting to experience local cuisine. By eating locally (or as locally as you can) you are cutting down on your carbon footprint. The closer is it made or grown, the less time and fuel it costs to get to you! Not to mention it is such a great experience eating locally grown or harvested foods that are fresh and flavourful!

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