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Once you arrive on K'gari, you can easily reach Lake McKenzie via one of the inland driving tracks on your 4WD. There is plenty of parking there as well!
Everything you need to know about the River Heads ferry to K'gari (Fraser Island)! This ferry near Hervey Bay is a popular option for getting to K'gari.
Planning a trip to the world's largest sand island? Here is all you need to know about ferry travel times to K'gari (Fraser Island) so you can plan accordingly!
Here is your complete guide to the different arrival points on K'gari (Fraser Island), including tips for taking the Inskip Point and River Heads ferries!
Planning an adventure to K’gari (Fraser Island)? Here are some helpful tips about your vehicle permit and ferry transfers to this stunning sand island!
Hoping to visit K'gari (Fraser Island) via the Inskip Point Ferry from Rainbow Beach? Here is all the information you need for getting to K'gari!
Here is everything you need to know about Hook Point on K'gari (Fraser Island)! It's one of a few starting points for trips to the world's largest sand island.
Wondering how to get to K'gari (Fraser Island) from Hervey Bay? This coastal town in Queensland is the perfect jumping off point for the world's largest sand island. Here are some tips about tours ...
Rainbow Beach is a great starting point for visiting K'gari (Fraser Island) as it has the shortest ferry ride over from Inskip Point. If you are planning on joining a guided or tag-along tour, or e...
Is there public transport to K'gari (Fraser Island)? Yes! You do not need to have your own car or rent a car to get to the world's largest sand island. We're going to explain how to get there using...